We've all been there.
After a late night out, you drag yourself out of bed to join your compadres in faith for Sunday morning Mass. Unfortunately, this time of prayer is all-too-often more sedative than celebration, making the simple act of staying awake for these 58-62 minutes no small feat. What's a good Catholic to do?
Here are eight tricks for keeping the eyelids open and the brain alert during even the most soporific celebrations of the Eucharist. Use them, and use them well.
1. Go to the Bathroom. Twice.
As children, Catholics don't just learn about Jesus, Mary, Joseph, saints, rosaries, angels, and tasteless wafers. In their most formative years, Catholics also learn that trips to the bathroom are the easiest way to pass time during a dull homily or blandly-delivered Eucharistic Prayer. But why make one trip when you can go twice? Carefully plot your escape, once during the Liturgy of the World and once during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. That should be enough to carry you through.
Maybe you'll actually pee one of the two times!
2. Play "Name That Saint"
Statues, statues everywhere! But can you name that saint? Pass a few minutes studying the statues around you, looking for clues to the identities of the immobile men and women that surround us during Mass. St. Jude might have fire above his head, and St. Teresa might be holding a flower. See if you can figure out who's who. This game is even better with a partner.
But be careful not to talk too loud: God (and the old lady behind you) are watching!
3. Plan Your Own "Catholic Greatest Hits" Album (or the music for your wedding or funeral!)
Hymnals are more than good paperweights and toys for the kids (watch the crayons!). They're a compendium of music that we know and love - and hate (Here I Am, Lord? Classic. On Eagle's Wings? Ugh. So overplayed.). So, spend some time perusing the hymnal. Pick out your top ten songs, or pick the music for your wedding or funeral. Or design your own wallpaper.
Marry 'em and bury 'em. That's what the Church does best!
4. Volunteer to Cary Up the Gifts
This one is easy and contributes to the Mass! What a win-win! Worrying about falling asleep will keep you awake through the first half of Mass. The halftime exercise of walking to the altar and bowing (oh, the bowing!) will get the blood flowing well enough to carry you through to Communion, when you'll get to move around again.
Maybe you can even snag a snack on the way. Those hosts really hit the spot.